
Deploy your own version of Engager using the Heroku buttons below. Please note this UI is only meant to be used in Mobile Browsers.

Engager App


Using Heroku Connect for Answers (optional)

  1. Install the unmanaged package to your desired salesforce org first.

  2. In Heroku, provision "Heroku Connect" addon, via quick search addons menu. As of now, the url for app configuration is here.

  3. Click the Heroku Connect addon, after creation to configure the service to your Salesforce instance.

  4. Click next till you authorize the app and are at the Mappings configuration screen.

  5. Create New Mapping

  6. Select the managed package SObject "engager_answer__c" as the desired object.

  7. Check the "Database->Salesforce" option and select the following fields: value__c, customer_name__c, questions_text__c.

  8. Save.

  9. Test by answering a question and see the answer in Salesforce "Engager" tab a few moments later

  10. More info on Heroku Connect here.

Deploying the App to Heroku using the Command Line

  1. Clone the App repository:

    git clone
  2. Create the Heroku app:

    heroku create
  3. Install Postgres:

    heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
  4. Install Redis:

    heroku addons:create heroku-redis:hobby-dev
  5. Deploy the Engager App:

    git push heroku master
  6. Initialize the database:

    heroku run init-db

Running Locally (assuming OSX environment)

For the sake of easy setup, we'll be using the externally hosted heroku-postgres and heroku-redis databases to store information. So, if you already haven't deployed Engager via Heroku Button, please do this before attempting to run locally.

  1. Clone the App repository:

    git clone
  2. Install the dependencies:

    npm i
  3. Retrieve datastore environment variables from Heroku (pre-requisit is deploy Engager via Heroku Button):

    heroku config --app DEMO-ENGAGER-APP
  4. Set local environment variables:

    export DATABASE_URL="{postgres_connection_str}"
    export REDIS_URL="{redis_connection_str}"
  5. Initialize the database:

    npm run init-db
  6. Start the App:

    npm run start
  7. Visit in your browser:

    open http://localhost:9000/